Install Seatext on your website by following the instructions below. Installation is safe, and AI doesn't change anything on your website until activated.
Godaddy Integration
Step 1: Copy the Javascript code from SEATEXT AI which appear in this section below.
Step by step integration
Step 2: Log in to your GoDaddy account using your credentials.
Step 3: Navigate to your products and select the website you intend to translate.
Step 4: Click on “Edit Site” to access the Website Builder tool.
Step 5: Within the Website Builder interface, locate the page where you wish to add the translation feature.
Step 6: Click on “Add Section” to insert the translation feature onto the desired page.
You have now successfully installed SEATEXT AI on your website using JavaScript. Allow one hour for SEATEXT AI to scan your website and translate and create all content variants.

Activating AI: Proceed to the Main AI Hub to activate the necessary AI on your preferred pages. Click on "Configuration" to adjust the AI parameters.

Optional Editing: SEATEXT AI provides your initial round of automatic translations and variants for testing. Log in to your SEATEXT AI account, navigate to "Variants Edit" in the left panel, and select the URL and language you wish to edit. Here, you can review, create, or manually edit translations for your variants.
Step 7: In the right panel, click on “Files & Web”.
Step 8: Look for the “HTML” section and add it to your page.
Step 9: Paste the code provided in the section Custom Code in the right panel.
Step 10: In the section Forced Height set the value to 0. Finally click on Done and Publish to save changes.
Adding SEATEXT AI to the header section of your site.
Access the Header HTML Section
  1. In the left panel, click Settings.
  2. Click Head HTML.
  • Head HTML. Add content to the head section Content Field.
  • Body End HTML. Add custom HTML/Javascript just before the closing tag of the </body> element for each page in the site.
  1. Click Save.