Install Seatext on your website by following the instructions below. The installation process is secure, and the AI remains inert until activated, ensuring the integrity of your website's content.
Weebly Integration
Below is a step-by-step guide to integrate SEATEXT AI into your Weebly website.
Step by step integration
  1. Copy the JavaScript code provided by SEATEXT AI, which can be found in the section below.
2 . Paste the Javascript code from Seatext on your website

Access your Weebly account and navigate to the Website>Edit Site option in the left-hand menu.
Select the project you wish to translate and enter the edit mode by clicking on the "Edit" button.
Within the Website edit mode, locate and click on "Settings."
Next, access the SEO section by clicking on the corresponding option.
In the "Footer Code" section, insert the JavaScript snippet provided on your SEATEXT AI account page.
You have now successfully installed SEATEXT AI on your website using JavaScript.
  1. Finally, save your changes by clicking "Save," followed by "Publish."
Finally, save your changes by clicking "Save," followed by "Publish."
Linking SEATEXT AI to your website

a. Add Your Website Address
Use the form below to enter your website address in the format


Multiple Domains

If you need to use SEATEXT AI on multiple domains (e.g., a development domain and a production domain), you must create separate accounts for each domain.

Each SEATEXT AI account is linked to a single primary URL.

Restrictions and Security

Development URLs, such as localhost, are restricted for security reasons. Ensure you use a valid, real domain for these cases.

Dynamic development domains may not function properly, as SEATEXT AI might be unable to reliably associate traffic with your account.

Using SEATEXT AI on Multiple Websites

To use SEATEXT AI on several websites, create one account for each website.
Visit your website once and stay on your page for at least 40 seconds—this will activate the AI and link it to your account.
Wait at least five minutes until you see your website name displayed next to the SEATEXT logo at the top of this page. This indicates that your website is connected and ready to proceed to the next step. If you do not see it at the top of the page after 10 minutes, please contact our support team immediately. This could indicate an issue during the installation on your platform, and you may need our assistance.
Activating AI

Proceed to the Main AI Hub to activate the necessary AI on your preferred pages. Click on "Configuration" to adjust the AI parameters.

Optional Editing: SEATEXT AI provides your initial round of automatic translations and variants for testing. Log in to your SEATEXT AI account, navigate to "Variants Edit" in the left panel, and select the URL and language you wish to edit. Here, you can review, create, or manually edit translations for your variants.