Welcome to Seatext AI
Explore our guides to integrate and activate Seatext AI in your website
Getting started
Learn how to install and set up Seatext AI on your website.
Install Seatext AI by adding a single JavaScript snippet to your website.
Effortlessly install Seatext AI on your SPA project with our step-by-step guide.
Define the scope of Seatext AI's work to control your website's text optimization.
Activating AIs
Activate the necessary AIs to work on your website.
Creates and tests different versions of your website's text to improve conversions.
Continuously optimizes product descriptions, conducting A/B tests to implement the most effective versions.
Localize your website into 200 languages, delivering valuable messaging to increase engagement.
Localize your website into 200 languages and A/B test translations to increase conversions.
Rewrite your website content specifically for mobile users to increase engagement.
Test headlines, content, CTAs, and more to increase conversion rates.
Variant management
Edit, delete, or create your own variants to test automatically without any code.
Automatically create and test your own variants.
Edit and delete the variants created by Seatext AI.
Learn how the variant testing process in Seatext AI works.