How to use Seatext
Advanced translation with A/B testing
Translate your website into 107 languages and use A/B testing to identify and eliminate any errors, ensuring the most effective translations for boosting sales.

Activating Advanced translation with A/B testing
1. Navigate the Main AI Hub. In the dropdown select the URL where you want to activate the Advanced translation with A/B testing.
2. Scroll down to the AIs section and locate the Advanced translation with A/B testing card. Activate the Advanced translation with A/B testing by switching the toggle to on, it should be blue for this case.
3. After that, the AI will start generating text variants of your website and automatically test them. To see the translation and variants created by Seatext navigate the variant editor, and choose the URL and the language of your website you want to see.

In this section, you can see the results of the a/b testing and the variants created by Seatext, here you are also able to edit, delete, and create variants of your website content.

Configure Advanced translation with A/B testing Scope
In this section, you will be able to configure the AI Website Translation with A/B Testing for the selected URL. Open this section by clicking on the Settings in the Advanced translation with A/B testing Settings card, a pop-up will appear with different parameters that you can adjust for this AI.
Adjusting Fonts for languages:
In the Advanced translation with A/B testing Settings, turn on the toggle to Allow AI to adjust fonts for specific languages that might not display well with your website's default fonts (e.g., Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Hindi, and more).
Selecting languages:
In the Advanced Translation with A/B testing Settings, navigate to the language selector panel. in the Allowed Languages panel, you will see the list of languages that Seatext provides for translation, to disable certain languages simply click on the check box corresponding to the language, then click on the > button to switch it to the Disallowed Languages panel, make sure that the language you don't want to translate appears in the Disallowed Languages panel.
Activating Advanced A/B Testing for Translations:
In the Advanced Translation with A/B testing Settings, navigate to the Advanced A/B Testing for Translations section. Turn on the toggle to allow the AI model to test the translations created to eliminate any errors and boost your conversion rates.
AI creativity level:
Adjust how creative the AI should be. A lower setting means the AI will generate content that's significantly different from the original, while a higher setting limits creativity to minimal changes.
Number of Variants to Create:
Choose the number of variant outputs. A lower number is suitable for sites with small traffic, while a higher number caters to websites with at least 30K visitors a month.
Preserve Your Brand Voice (0-10):
Should AI copy your Brand voice characteristics, keeping it closer to your brand style, or have the ability to be more creative and depart from usual brand patterns? A higher value preserves your brand voice more closely.
Confidence Level for A/B Testing:
This slider adjusts the confidence level required to determine a winning variant in A/B testing. A higher confidence level means requiring more evidence (data) before making a decision, reducing the risk of false positives but potentially requiring more time and traffic.