set up
Install Seatext on your website by following the instructions related to the technology of your website. Installation is safe, and AI doesn't change anything on your website until activated.
Select your platform to start: If your platform isn't listed below, please click here

Step by step installation
1 . Copy the snippet code
Copy the JavaScript code provided by SEATEXT AI, which can be found in the section below.
2 . Past the snippet code
  • Paste the code into the designated section of your HTML pages. If you are using a CMS, this section is typically located within the CMS settings under a tab labeled "Custom Code" or similar.
  • If you are building your site from scratch, paste the JavaScript snippet just before the closing "body" tag (</body>) on all your website HTML pages.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed Seatext AI on your website using JavaScript. Allow approximately one hour for Seatext AI to scan your website and generate all content variants.
3 . Activating AIs
To activate the necessary AI for your website, proceed to the Main AI Hub. Here, you can select the specific pages where you want to deploy the AI and click "Configuration" to adjust the AI parameters to fit your needs.
4 . Optional Editing
Seatext AI provides an initial round of automatic translations and content variants for testing. To review and manually edit these variants:

  1. Log in to your Seatext AI account.
  2. Navigate to the "Variants Edit" section in the left panel.
  3. Select the URL and language you wish to edit.
  4. Review, create, or manually edit the translations and content variants as needed.
By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate and customize Seatext AI to optimize your website's performance.