Hey Hanna, Supercharge MediaLoop's Marketing Success with Advanced AI
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Elevate MediaLoop's revenue by up to 35% with AI-tailored, A/B tested content that resonates with your clients.
Boost Cinse Group Sales by 35% with AI Precision
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Cinse Group Sales Manager
Seth Lorrens
MedialLoop CEO
Hanna Richardson
Hey Seth, enhance your product page performance with AI-driven, ultra personalized content that speaks directly to your customers' needs.
Not ready?, book a demo with our team
Convert leads into customers and boost your website's sales with SEATEXT AI Personalization
SEATEXT AI tailors your website for every visitor, helping you close more deals effortlessly.
Elevate Media Loop's revenue with AI-tailored content that resonates with your clients.
Hey Seth, enhance your product page performance with AI-driven, ultra personalized content.
It's Clay.com for websites
Automatically personalize your website copy for higher conversions and increased closing leads.
Integrate your data from Clay to Craft Individual Experiences
Start by inputting specific details about your prospects, such as their name or company. Select how you want to personalize their experience to make every interaction with your website unique and tailored.
Add details to align your website with the visitor’s profile and interests
Enhance the experience by adding more detailed information like pain points, job roles, or interests. This allows SEATEXT AI to tailor the content even further, addressing what truly matters to each prospect.
Customize Your Approach
Our company works according to the principle of individual approach to every client. This method allows us to achieve success in problems of all levels.
Share Personalized URLs in your emails
Generate a unique URL for each prospect, directing them to a highly personalized landing page. This ultra-targeted approach increases the chances of converting prospects into loyal clients.
Increase your chances of closing more sales with Personalized Content
  • Tailor your website to match every lead
    SEATEXT AI adapts your website’s messaging to match each visitor’s preferences, making your pitch feel personal and relevant.
  • Close More Leads
    Personalization leads to an average 35% increase in sales by engaging prospects with content that speaks directly to their needs.
  • Save Time, Sell More
    Automate the personalization process—no more manual updates or guesswork. Let AI handle the details so you can focus on closing deals.
Experience a remarkable 35% increase in conversion rates within just three months—supported by data indicating that 63% of websites achieve this exceptional growth. Seatext's AI excels through rigorous testing of numerous variants, often handling hundreds per month, surpassing traditional A/B testing methods.

Proven results: an average conversion uplift of +35% across hundreds of websites

Average Conversion Rate Lift
*Data collected from July to October, 2023.
No credit card is required
SEATEXT AI works for you to personalize your website
SEATEXT has changed our approach to content creation and testing. Previously, refining our messaging strategies was a time-consuming process, often taking weeks. We're now able to develop and test multiple variants with remarkable efficiency. Over 30 days, we tested 5,650 A/B variants, leading to a 13.5% increase in conversion rates. SEATEXT has not only streamlined our testing processes but has also significantly enhanced our ability to meet and exceed our objectives.
Shavkat Rasuli
Global B2B Strategy Director Mediacom
Variants tested in one month
Landing page convertion rate
1-minute easy integration with your website platform
More than 200 platforms supported
SEATEXT AI integrates seamlessly with your website platform, no coding is required.
+200 Platforms
A/B testing Variants
Edit variant
Edit variant
Edit variant
No credit card is required
Create and edit your own variants of any text on your website. Conduct your own A/B tests manually
Feel free to edit or create your own text variants as you see fit. Add more variants for your experiments, or modify the ones provided by SEATEXT AI to craft experiences that resonate with your customers.
Seatext integrates seamlessly with Optimizely, VWO, and Crazyegg A/B testing and experimentation tools.
It's extremely easy to add SEATEXT AI code to any experiment you run on these platforms, enabling you to see how AI can create text variants and enhance them over time.

The same technology can also help you translating it into 125 languages, while not interfering with your experiments.
seatextdont +200 platforms supported
seatextdont SEATEXT AI Works with Your Platform
Get started for free
Try SEATEXT AI on your website for as long as you like with our free Starter plan. Purchase a paid plan to unlock additional features.
No credit card is required
Give us a call: +1 (856) 499-3049
General inquiries: [email protected]
San Diego 4455 Murphy Canyon Rd, San Diego, CA 92123
© 2023 SEATEXT
Made in Sunny San Diego CA.
Contact us
SEATEXT is a leading AI service provider, offering advanced AI technologies and custom Large Language Models (LLMs) for various applications. Based in San Diego, California, we enhance global conversion rates for organizations of all sizes through innovative marketing models, exceptional website translation capabilities, and a commitment to quality and superior customer support.
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